Wednesday, June 18, 2014

6 Ways to Work Smarter.

It has been 5 months since I chucked the deuces and it has been an enriching experience. The first three months, I was running around the city, working really hard until I’d eventually burn out for about two days. I was working harder for sure, but not smarter. And this happens to many entrepreneurs starting out. I recently sat back and really made some adjustments to work smarter. Here are some ways you can too:

Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket. When I only focused on styling, I realized I was ignoring all of the other talents & experience I gained not only on set but also at my full time job. You too may be ignoring your expertise and more importantly various streams of income! Instead of banking on one thing to bring in the bacon, develop several streams of income that you can manage. 

Set work hours. There’s the popular phrase “You don’t grind, you don’t shine.” But if you don’t
get sleep, you’re certainly going to run yourself into the ground. Determine your peek hours of productivity and create intervals where you work with no interruption. It will give you an opportunity to rest in between.

1 project/per day. If you experience a plateau like I did at one point, the best thing is to fall forward. Make it your job to do one thing a day that will help you towards accomplishing your goals. Regardless of how big or small, you’ll feel accomplished and better for doing it.
Work outside of the “office”. It is really easy to stay inside and work on your computer all day. However, sometimes you may just need a change in scenery. Head to your local coffee shop or bistro and do some work for a few hours. It’ll be a nice change of pace and you’ll get some fresh air.

Update your portfolio/website. When I realized I have the ability to provide retail-consulting services, I wrote down in my journal “How can I get the word out?” Until one day I was listening to a webinar hosted by Rosetta Thurman of Happy Black Woman. When she first started, she had a link on her blog that read, “Hire Me” Those two words hit me like a light bulb. As simple as the phrase is, it certainly lets people know you are providing a service. Make sure you update your website to have the most updated information so potential clients know how to contact you.

Knowledge is Power. You are no longer chained to the hours of 9 to 5. Now is your opportunity to attend any webinar or seminar that can benefit you. Attending two webinars helped me understand the power of effective selling and realize I can use several streams of income. Knowledge is valuable to helping you grow your business. 

About the contributor: Tamera Darden is a retail consultant based in New York. In addition, she offers fashion & business advice on her blog, Plan T Style. Tamera started blogging in 2009 as a creative outlet and has experienced the typical ups & downs of any blogger. Her experience & knowledge helped her land published editorials, styling for Mist Magazine & Chiffon Magazine. She launched T Boutique in Summer 2013 and recently launched the T Boutique Summer Collection."

(photo credit: Public Libraries Online)

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