Monday, March 31, 2014

#MusicMonday- Flashback to 2004.


Not to say that I don’t get excited to listen to music today, but it’s definitely not the same. Remember back when music was the soundtrack to your middle school/high school life? Yeah, so do I.

2004 was a great year in music if I do say so myself. Last week on Twitter I kept seeing people tweet about Usher’s Confessions album, then it donned on me that some of my favorite songs/albums will be 10 years old this year!! I can’t believe I’m getting old its been so long! To put things more in perspective for you, it’s been 10 years since the Janet/Justin Superbowl wardrobe malfunction, since the last episode of Friends, since The Notebook was in theaters, since Britney married K. Fed, since Tina Fey gave us the greatest quotable movie ever; Mean Girls and since Lindsay Lohan released her album “Speak”….Wow.

Thanks to this lovely list on Buzzfeed I’ve taken my top 5 favs and listed them below (in no order, btw). Check it out if you’re feeling nostalgic.

1. Usher- Confessions

Literally every song is everything I never knew I needed to hear. I don’t think there’s one song on that album I’ve skipped! And I understand that music is different now but I need Usher to put this team of people back together and whip up another album. Not sure if album success that big can happen more than once in an artist’s career but I’m rooting for Usher!


2. Gwen Stefani- Love.Angel.Music.Baby

Friday, March 28, 2014

Feature Friday: Kristina Amaral.


  • Brea: Tell me about yourself.
Kristina: Hi there! I’m Kristina—a graduate of Rutgers University and I work full-time as a PR professional in the big apple! I pursued degrees in English and Journalism & Media Studies, along with a minor in Digital Communication, Information & Media. I dream big and hope that with enough hard work, strategic thinking and constant thirst for learning, I will be a leading marketing and PR icon!

  • B: Congratulations on being named PRWeek’s 2013 Student of the Year winner! What advice can you give PR students who hope to enter in upcoming years?
K: Thank you so much!! I strongly encourage applicants to be strategic & innovative. The best marketing campaigns are innovative and usually ignite the spark of an upcoming trend. Push yourself to think outside the box when creating the concept and keep the client’s business goals at the forefront.

However, innovation is just the idea, the execution must be as strong—each tactic should be linked with strategy and purpose. From there, create an idea that is scalable—it can be a global/national initiative but could also be scaled to a smaller local/regional level. No matter what each component must be strategic so do lots of research!

  • B: You’ve worked with some big name companies! How did you land your current position at Taylor and what are your responsibilities as Account Coordinator?
K: I initially interned at Taylor during the summer of 2012, in which I worked on Procter & Gamble’s Thank You, Mom campaign during the London 2012 Olympics. I learned a vast amount and had the opportunity to network with talented professionals. After the PRWeek awards and graduation, I kept in touch with my mentors there and the HR manager—luckily, an opportunity became available and I was top of mind! It was a blessing.

As an Account Coordinator, I coordinate and distribute press materials, pitch media personnel and secure positive placements for our clients, develop robust media lists, research, analysis, fact sheets, and manage communication with partners for client activations and events.

  • B: What do you consider the most challenging aspect of PR?

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Things To Remember During The Job Hunt.


Prior to, and during, the daunting adventure of searching for a full-time career, there are many pieces of advice given to us by family members, friends, mentors and peers. Sometimes, we get the hopeless thoughts of never finding a position stuck in our heads, placed there by the people who tell us, "The market is tough— it took me months after graduation to find a job. You’ll encounter the same." Other times, we find ourselves overwhelmed, because we are told, "Apply for every single job you find.”

As a recent graduate who successfully secured a couple of job offers prior to graduation, I want to share three pieces of advice that I personally want to give you that may contrast from what you’ve been hearing, along with my reasoning behind them.

1. Don’t spread yourself thin.
  • I can’t tell you how often I heard advice along the lines of "Apply for everything," being given to students entering the job search phase of their career path. I cannot emphasize this enough to you: don’t do it. You’re only doing yourself a disadvantage of applying to every job that’s related to your industry. It’s important to select positions that are tailored to the skills and experience that you have. You’re also setting yourself up for a big letdown if you’re applying for a position that you’re not 100% sure you’re a good fit for.

2. It’s not hopeless.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Art of Networking.

"Your network determines your net worth."

I am positive that almost everyone has heard this at some point in time in his or her life, or some variation of it. With an economy full of seasoned professionals, with thousands of eager, young graduates anticipating at least an entry level position, this phrase is especially true.

Every semester hundreds of thousands (yes six figures), of students graduate with the same exact degree as you obtained and a majority is out looking for a job (that’s the “adult” thing to do anyways).

So how exactly do you get in and get ahead?

Network. Network. NETWORK!

(Sorry, didn’t want to have to cap locks and exclamation point you all, but I had to.)

My marketing professor once said “People always say, ‘It’s not about what you know, it’s about who you know’ but that’s not true, it’s about who knows you!” (*insert illuminated light bulb here*)

Here are my five tips to help anyone not only network, but be remembered:

1. Exchange business cards
Yes this requires you having a business card on hand. You want to do this for several reasons; one being many professionals have connections to their site about themselves for you to investigate later and two, you can use the back of the card to note important things to remember after the conversation.

Monday, March 24, 2014

#MusicMonday- Mila J.


Guess who’s back like she never left? That’s right, Miss Mila J.

Mila started her career in a girl group with her other sister, Miyoko and  is also the older sister to songstress Jhene Aiko (yes, the Chilombo family is a talented bunch). Hopefully you remember her song from a few years ago called “Good Lookin Out” ft. Marques Houston. Unfortunately, her album got shelved and after rebranding herself as her real name, Japollonia, then back to Mila J, she brings us new music.

Last Friday, Mila released the visual to her new single "Smoke Drink Breakup" from her upcoming album M.I.L.A. (Made In Los Angeles)  and I have to agree with many blogs on the fact that she’s giving us a late 90’s/early 00’s R&B vibe. Ya’ll already know that I’m here for all of that!

Mila even got “Paranoid” singer Ty Dolla $ign to be her leading man in the video. Catch Mila’s visual to “Smoke Drink Breakup” below!


(photo credit: DaVibeMag)

Friday, March 21, 2014

Feature Friday: Hope Frick.

  • Brea: Tell me about yourself
Hope: I’m Hope Frick. I graduated a semester early, in December, with a degree in Public Relations from Waynesburg University. I live in Elizabethtown, Pa. with my family and my dog (who steals the spotlight on my Instagram). I’m a huge movie fanatic (so sad awards season is over), I’m a sushi lover and I check before I check my Facebook and Twitter every morning. Also, my mom likes to call me Elle Woods because I’m obsessed with small dogs and my wardrobe mainly consists of varying shades of pink.

  • B: What do you like most about PR/Marketing?
H: In high school, my parents said they’d send me to college to do what I do best…talking. That being said, PR/Marketing lets me feel “me”. I love writing and social networking, so PR/Marketing lets me combine all my interests. It’s a really creative field so I feel inspired everyday and can really think outside of the box. Plus, I’m awful at math and there’s very little math involved.

  • B: I noticed you are currently interning with Tower Marketing, how did you land that position?

H: I’ve been interning with Tower Marketing since December. I was graduating early from college and I was a bit (probably too much) obsessive about finding a job after graduation. I was really eager to get into the field. I stumbled upon the job listing on LinkedIn and applied on a whim. I just really clicked with the team who interviewed me and was ultimately offered the job (I found out in the middle of class and screamed during a lecture, I was so excited!) I made sure to include my best writing samples and social media snippets in my portfolio and also made sure my resume was the best reflection of my educational and professional experiences. Hard work really pays off; it’s such a rewarding feeling!
Sadly, I’ll be leaving Tower next week, but I’m happy to share that I accepted a full time position as the Social Media Coordinator for Fresh Creative Inc., a digital marketing agency in Lebanon, Pa. I’m so excited to start this next chapter of my career and I’m completely convinced my work at Tower helped me land this new position.

  • B: What does a typical day look like for you?

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Life After College: The Transition Back Home


Congratulations! You’ve graduated from college and you’re ready to take on the world. Everything seems like it’s falling into place except for one little thing, you’re moving back in with the parentals.

AHH. Mayday! Mayday!

Although this might seem disastrous to your social life (and sanity), here are a couple of solutions to help resolve your issues.

1. Arguments.

Problem: Arguments are prone to happen now that you’re living at home. You probably don’t see eye-to-eye on various topics. This is especially true if you have a different approach to doing things around the house than your parents.

Solution: Don’t sweat the small stuff. Talk out your issues with your parents in a cool, calm, and collected manner. When speaking, use the “I feel” method to express yourself and clarify your points. This helps others walk in your shoes and understand your feelings and thoughts. Setup compromises if necessary so that issues are not brought up again in the future.

2. House work.

Problem: Living at home has been pretty chill. Laundry gets done. There’s food on your plate every night. Bills get paid. You don’t have a worry in the world. However, your parents are worried about YOU. They’re probably thinking you’re unappreciative, ungrateful, and need a cold, harsh dose of reality.


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Twitter Do's & Don’ts: How to Maintain Professional & Personal Tweets


We all remember Justine Sacco’s poorly thought-out tweet about her trip to Africa, right? Perfect example of what NOT to tweet.

With the internet literally right at our fingertips, it’s never been easier to learn about someone through their social media accounts. Twitter is a popular platform and a favorite of many (including me), yet this social network has blurred the lines between personal and professionalism. Learning how to balance the two is a challenge. You don’t want to post a negative comment that may impact your future career (ahem Ms. Sacco); however, you also want to avoid only talking business matters and not having a human voice behind your account.

Below are some do’s and don’ts on how to master balancing personal and professional life on Twitter:

Connecting with professionals
  • Do: Thank them for an informative article or blog post they wrote. “Thanks (name) for the great tips you listed in (name of article)!”
  • Don’t: Annoy them with questions every day. DM or email them with any specific questions you may have.

Spring break

Monday, March 17, 2014

#MusicMonday- HAIM.


I know I’m pretty late on the HAIM train, but the important thing is that I’ve finally seen the light.

I first got a glimpse of the group when they performed on SNL back in November. However, I couldn’t get jiggy with the song they chose to perform so I dismissed them. A few weeks ago, my friend told me to drop everything I was doing to go watch their video to “If I Could Change Your Mind” …and that’s when I fell in love. Those moves and that old school sound just made me want to dance down a soul train line.

Like most music I love, I had to hear more from the sisters. Their debut album Days Are Gone, was released back in Sept. of 2013 and after listening to it a few hundred times, I have a feeling it will be on repeat for awhile.

Put on your dancing shoes, grab your microphone hairbrush and check out their video to “If I Could Change Your Mind” below.

If you’ve heard their album let me know your favorite song in the comments below.


(photo credit: The Guardian)

Friday, March 14, 2014

Feature Friday: Alisha Nicole.

  • Brea: Tell me about yourself
Alisha: I’m Alisha, 25 year old lifestyle blogger and small business owner currently living in North Carolina. When I’m not working you can find me getting my reality TV fix, stalking social media or playing with my pups.

  • B: What do you like most about PR?
A: What I love most about PR is being able to see the growth of brands and knowing that I had some part in making that happen! As a small business owner I know how great it feels to see your product show up on one of your favorite sites. I also love that PR because it requires me to use my other passions as well like writing and using social media.

  • B: As a fellow PR grad, what advice do you have for those who are graduating this spring?
A: I would definitely tell you to keep networking your butt off and building relationships even after you graduate. Also don’t get down if you haven’t landed your dream position yet, try things like doing some freelance work and/or blogging to stay in the PR loop.

  • B: If you could go back to undergrad, what would you do differently?

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Dear Higher Ed: I Hate That I Bought The Dream You Sold Me.


Dear Higher Ed,

I hope you don’t mind, but I’m writing this letter on my iPhone. I did not use my refund check to buy a MacBook this year. I’m trying to be financially responsible and I know you have no respect for my finances but surely, you can understand.

This is a difficult letter to write because I know how little you think of me. I want you to know that I’ve been faithful to you. I joined every organization that you said would liven your campus for recruitment purposes help me expand my network. I’ve been hoping that we could work this out but today I have finally arrived at my stop on the crazy train and I am determined to get off. Once and for all, I’m going to emotionally release and you, my friend, it is your turn to deal.

Ed, honestly, our first three and a half years together were ones for the books. We had magic, didn’t we? We traveled the world together, experienced so many mesmerizing cultures and you’ve taught me things about myself that allowed me to grow and for that I am forever indebted.

It was until this final chapter in our love story that I’d truly believed that what we have is my most valuable possession.

"Knowledge is the new money" they said.

"Get you some" they advised.

Well I offered my $90k+ degree to my landlord today and I’m hard pressed to figure out why he would not accept it as “new money”. I’m not saying you gave me nothing but Ed, honey, you did not give me enough of the right thing.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

5 Essential Items Every Fashionista Needs for Summer 2014.

Personal style is essential for everyone, especially for girls. Having a sense of style will convey the seriousness of the work you put out, as well as increasing self-confidence, and establishing a personal style/brand. 

Fashion is a part of my daily life— from reading blogs and watching the latest trends to setting some of my own. I’ve even taken on a new challenge by being a personal stylist to friends.I love that fashion gives me confidence and allows me to incorporate various items into my own sense of style. 

With Summer 2014 approaching (but not fast enough), here are a few essential items that any fashionista needs in her closet all in one outfit.


  1. Maxi Dress- You always, ALWAYS need a fun maxi-dress. Easy to slip and to dress up, if necessary, maxi-dresses show femininity and give summer days LIFE. I always feel my best when I have on some type of dress. It is dressy, but still casual to go about on a date or hanging out with family.

Monday, March 10, 2014

#MusicMonday: Elle Varner- Cold Case.

Can I just say that I love Elle Varner? Her first album was on repeat for monthsss! From her sound, to her lovable personality, she’s just amazeballs.

Last week Miss Varner released “Cold Case” a song from her upcoming sophomore album. This song is everything! The beat alone makes you want to hit a mean bankhead bounce.

I can’t wait for her next album. Give me a release date, girl and I’m there!

Check out “Cold Case” below. Trust me, you won’t regret it.


(photo credit: HipHopSince1987)

Friday, March 7, 2014

Feature Friday: Elise Sabak.


  • Brea: Tell me about yourself
Elise: I’m a soon to be graduate from Wayne State University in Detroit with a degree in English. I’m a fashion and beauty obsessee but I definitely was not always that way. I grew up a science geek (and somewhere in my heart I still am one) and one day picked up an issue of Teen Vogue and it changed my life. The fashion industry inspires me every day, and it spans beyond clothing. I love the designers, the seasonal strategy and the concepts of merchandizing.

Oh! And I’m a caffeine addict. My preferred modes are slurpees and iced lattes, extra shot.

  • B: Congrats on your upcoming graduation! What advice would you give to students just beginning their undergrad journey in PR?
E: Thank you! I am so excited (also a bit scared!). Most people would say networking, which is so true—it’s never too early to start. But, I think that students just starting in any field, but particularly in PR, need to sit down for a couple hours and think about their decision and ask themselves a few reflective questions.
1) Is PR something that you want to challenge yourself with every day?

2) Why PR? Because it’s glamorous (because take it from me, it is not glamorous every day)?

3) Are you going into this field for the right reasons?
Making a pros and cons list and taking time to reflect on your decisions will help you grow, and hopefully motivate you to take the next steps in school, such as joining PRSSA.

  • B: What area of PR are you interested in and why?
E: I’m most interested in fashion/beauty PR. There’s something so intriguing about an industry that is as quickly paced and competitive as fashion. It definitely helps that I have a complete obsession with the goings-on of the fashion and beauty industries. It’s a faction of PR that is both beautiful and calculated, tactical and glamorous at times. Most importantly, it’s the area that exhilarates me and pushes me to wake up each morning ready to work.

  • B: What is your dream job?

Thursday, March 6, 2014

How Millennials Are Impacting the Public Relations Industry.

It seems as if Millennials have been on the tip of industry leaders’ tongues for quite some time. While many CEOs and employers are hesitant to applaud their work or silently prefer highly seasoned professionals, Millennials have an immense impact on the way corporations operate and the way businesses reach their potential and existing customers.

This diverse group, also commonly known as Generation Y, or Echo Boomers, is highly influenced by technology and is the largest group since the Baby Boomers, equating to a vast public reach. The public relations world cannot deny the unique way Millennials have been able to stay true to the traditional aspects of the industry while practicing and injecting new changes of the digital world and social media era. These young pros have equipped themselves with an understanding of fresh trends and how to gain attention in a competitive market. Exactly what can they offer this industry, you ask?

Below you will find three ways of how Millennials are changing the Public Relations  industry for the better.

  1. Finding more efficient uses in dealing with clients - Millennials are extremely collaborative with others, as evidenced by the integration of workplace networks instead of individual silos sectioned from one another. While they are working together, they are finding alternate uses for technology, building a broader platform for clients, and gaining considerable attention. Because of the constant industry shifts, they realize the importance of improvising as they fuse multiple ideas.

  2. Changing the concept of engagement - Because of social media and the 24/7 coverage of important news and information, clients now expect real-time updates and rapid responses as well as constant media monitoring as it pertains to their specific brand. Millennials support the notion that clients should be spoken with by constantly providing feedback and encouraging others to chime in with their own thoughts and opinions. This makes for a good habit for businesses to consider.

  3. Added Resilience - By this point, Millennials have heard the word ‘no’ probably a million times. While the misconception is that Millennials are spoiled, lazy, naive, and unwilling to work as hard as their counterparts to climb the corporate ladder, this simply isn’t true. That determination is what persuades editors to feature a client with a quick, thoughtfully-crafted pitch, increases press release impressions, and increases brand revenue.

As you can see, Millennials bring many positive aspects to the world of PR and it would be heinous to ignore their contributions as a whole. While this new group is being ushered in, it is important to make the necessary adjustments to fully acknowledge and understand the shift in environment. Millennials are certainly here to stay.

About the contributor: A graduate from North Carolina A&T State University, Briea Curington has emerged as a talented public relations professional ready to take the world on by storm. She has been given the opportunity to nurture her interest in PR/Marketing, and ultimately hopes to continue learning and growing in the industry. In addition to her work as a publicist, she is a fashion writer with her own blog as well as guest contributor for other sites, such as and

Connect with Briea on Twitter at @BriCurington

(photo credit: BostInno)

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

5 Must Have Apps for the PR Professional.

When I first realized Public Relations was the career for me, like most Millennials I thought, “Is there an app for that?” Turns out there are a lot of them.

Our career is comprised of so many different components that it would make sense to effectively use a smart phone for PR— you’d need an arsenal of apps though, not just one. The problem is which ones? That’s why I’m here. I researched and downloaded over 40 suggested applications and these are the 5 must have apps for the PR professional:

What are your favorite apps? Leave a comment below!

About the contributor: Lisa-Marie DeWinkeleer, also known as thePRrockstar, recently tripped and fell in love with PR. She has been accepted into the Public Relations program at California State University,Northridge and is excited to take the PR world by storm. When she’s not communicating with the public you can find her at the local comic book shop or at a rock show.

Connect with Lisa on Twitter at @thePRrockstar

Monday, March 3, 2014

#MusicMonday: The Oscars Musical Moments.

In case you happened to be living under a rock last night, everyone and their mom was tuned into the 86th Annual Academy Awards show, better known as The Oscars.

While there were a number of memorable moments last night, including some from the ever so funny host Ellen DeGeneres, the performances are what I’m here to discuss! Can you believe that in the 4 hour long show, there were only 6 performances?!? I know it’s not The Grammy’s but my goodness.

Check out my top three favs below:

So I couldn’t decide between these 2 performances so they’re tied at 3

3. Bette Midler- Wind Beneath My Wings

Let’s just not even talk about how this song is amazing, and extremely emotional, but the fact they got the legendary Bette Midler to perform it just makes it even more amazing! Go ahead and grab a tissue then click play. (Starts at 3:50)

3. Idina Menzel- Let It Go

Now I’m not sure if this made the list because I felt bad at how John Travolta butchered her name in her introduction or if it’s because I love this song more than I’m wiling to admit. Either way, after her announcement of divorcing Taye Diggs last year, Menzel definitely has a hit on her hands. I can’t even remember what life was like before I heard this song— it’s EVERYWHERE! Catch Menzel’s performance below and let me know what you think!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

#MillennialMadness in March.

While the rest of America is celebrating March Madness, All She Wrote will be celebrating Millennial Madness!


That’s right, each Tuesday and Thursday of this month will feature posts from some pretty fantabulous Millennials. They’ll be touching on a wide range of topics from career tips to other everyday struggles of a twenty something. 

I am super excited to have such amazing people willing to contribute to All She Wrote! I promise you won’t want to miss these posts! They will be available every Tuesday and Thursday at 11 a.m.
