Not to say that I don’t get excited to listen to music today, but it’s definitely not the same. Remember back when music was the soundtrack to your middle school/high school life? Yeah, so do I.
2004 was a great year in music if I do say so myself. Last week on Twitter I kept seeing people tweet about Usher’s Confessions album, then it donned on me that some of my favorite songs/albums will be 10 years old this year!! I can’t believe
Thanks to this lovely list on Buzzfeed I’ve taken my top 5 favs and listed them below (in no order, btw). Check it out if you’re feeling nostalgic.
1. Usher- Confessions
Literally every song is everything I never knew I needed to hear. I don’t think there’s one song on that album I’ve skipped! And I understand that music is different now but I need Usher to put this team of people back together and whip up another album. Not sure if album success that big can happen more than once in an artist’s career but I’m rooting for Usher!
2. Gwen Stefani- Love.Angel.Music.Baby