If you aren’t aware by now, Internships are super important. They’re probably one of the most essential factors in, well, any career really; but, especially in Public Relations.
Some may think the land of the unpaid intern is scary, but you have to consider a few (obvious) things:
- Narrowing down your options- There are a so many different paths to take in PR! You’ve got Film PR, Healthcare PR, Sports PR, Entertainment PR, Government PR, Fashion PR and the list goes on, ya’ll. Interning allows you to really narrow down what it is you want to do. It also doesn’t hurt to intern in different areas because being well rounded is cool.
- Gaining Experience- Nothing beats getting real life experience in your field. A ton of companies offer internships to undergrad students, so take advantage of that while you can! It shows you take initiative!! And this probably goes without saying, but experience looks great on your resume!
- Networking Opportunities- Interning allows you to meet some pretty awesome folks you otherwise wouldn’t have met. And just because the internship is over, it doesn’t mean you can’t talk to anyone at the company ever again. Keep those contacts, ya’ll! PR is all about building relationships so what better way to start building relationships than through interning? As the saying goes, “it’s who you know, not what you know”— Remember that.
Although the spring semester just started, now is a great time to start looking for summer internships. I encourage those of you still in undergrad to check out Intern Queen, Intern Match, Intern Sushi, and your school’s career center might even be able to help you land an internship!
For those of you living the post grad life, internships can also help if you’re still looking for employment. In my opinion, post grad internships may make you network even harder, especially if you’re interning at a company you’d like to work for.
Do you have any good/bad experiences being an intern? Or advice for those interested in PR? Please share below! :)

(photo credit: BrandYourself.com)
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