- Use hashtags- using hashtags effectively allows anyone on or off Twitter to easily search posts that are relevant to them. Hashtags also allows your followers to know exactly what your tweet is about. #BreasPRTip, #SeeWhatIDidThere
- Stay current- Being up to date with current events allows you to utilize all aspects of Twitter, especially if a current issue has made a Trending Topic and your followers are interesting in learning more about it.
- Get involved in Twitter Chats- Taking advantage of Twitter chats allows you to interact with other people in your industry and could be a great way to network with people across the country.
- "Humanize" your brand/comany- To make your account more personal and less “robot-like” you could share small pieces of information about a new release of a product as well as interacting with followers by replying to questions they may have of your company.
- Make sure links to webpages are active- There’s nothing worse than clicking on a link via any social media site, just to be directed to that horrid ‘404 link inactive page’. Okay, there may be worse things than this but it makes you feel cheated in a way.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
5 Twitter Tips for PR.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Oreo PRIDE campaign.
This image above has caused so much controversy over the last couple of days. The ad is so simple yet it says so much—Oreo: “Proudly supporting love” as it was captioned on their Facebook page.
Unfortunately for them, there are people out there who buy their product but do not support gay rights.
Facebook fans left hundreds of comments under the photo, some applauding them for making a stand and others who flat out stated they would not buy Oreos anymore. OUCH!
I wonder if they thought about the customers they may be losing (or gaining) when this ad was created. It was actually brought to my attention from my professor that Oreo as a brand is very family oriented, and it’s something passed down from generations as a bonding method to “teach your child/grandkids how to dunk or how to eat Oreo’s” and now, a brand that’s established and is a household brand, is in support of gay rights?? Huh? This can’t be life!
Personally I think this campaign is saying that they are, for lack of better words, a cookie for everyone. It just isn’t for families anymore, but for the LGBT community, all races/ ethnicities, religions, you name it.
The image above is made from someone who isn’t affiliated with Oreo’s I believe.
Overall I think this is a really good ad in the sense that it says so much. And I honestly, don’t think they are losing more customers than they are gaining.
If you’d like to read more on the ad click here: Oreo Pride: Rainbow-Stuffed Cookie Sparks Threats of Boycott